My family

Pats page
Sylvania & Family
Marks page
Chris and His
Wow! check out our "Idyllwild" picture's
Sharon's Page

Welcome graphic

Alice (me)
Peace to all who enter my site

This is a place for you to come and enjoy the memories of me and mine. There should be a little something about everyone that is close to my heart. My Family and my Friends. I cannot wait for the time to share together with you again.

Please e-mail me one or two picture's that I can add of you and your's.

My Favorites

Favorite Band or Musician: Fleetwood Mac/ Stevie Nics
Favorite TV show: Little House on the Prairie
Favorite movie: The Blue Lagoon
Favorite book: Chicken Soup Books

Favorite sports team: UT
Favorite food: Seafood

My Hobbies

Swimming, Volleyball, Hiking, Sewing, Sunning, Fine dining

The one whom I admire the most in my life is:

Red Rose, Spinning

Mom working. Alway's :-)

Favorite Links



working with a smile

M-is for the many things she gave me
O-meens only that that she 's growing old
T-is for the tear's she shed to save me
H-is for her heart as pure as gold
E-is for her eyes of bright light's shining
R-meen's right and right she'll alway's be
Put them all together they spell "MOTHER" the word that meens the world to me.


Want to get in touch? You can send me e-mail at:

Alice's Place